How To Best Benefit Fatty Liver Syndrome with Kefir

The Origins Of Kefir

Kefir improves Fatty Liver Syndrome by inhibiting the lipogenesis pathway.

Keeps you Hydrated

Boosts immunity

is an awesome alternative to commercial, sugary drinks

Although some tests show that kefir might cure cancer, the jury is still out as the tests were not conclusive

Although called Kefir Grains, they are not a grain as Wheat is and Kefir is therfeore gluten free

A 6-ounce (175-ml) serving of low-fat kefir contains (2Trusted Source):

  • Protein: 4 grams
  • Calcium: 10% of the RDI
  • Phosphorus: 15% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B12: 12% of the RDI
  • Riboflavin (B2): 10% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 3% of the RDI
  • A decent amount of vitamin D

Some people with mild lactose intolerance may still tolerate kefir if the amount of lactose is minimal. Those with more severe intolerances or allergies may benefit more from a nondairy kefir.

Fatty Liver Syndrom-Blood sugar control

A small 2015 studyTrusted Source in Iran compared the effects of consuming kefir and conventionally fermented milk on blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Participants who consumed kefir had significantly lower fasting blood sugar levels than those who consumed conventionally fermented milk.


A 2020 review suggests that kefir could have a range of benefits for people with diabetes and obesity. It may modulate diabetes-related markers. However, larger-scale research is necessary to support this.

 Older research from 2013Trusted Source notes that in laboratory studies, bacteria from kefir grains killed harmful bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus.

Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is involved in a number of diseases such as IBD or rheumatoid arthritis. The anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of probiotics have been reported in some studies, although this is an emerging area of research. It does appear that the LAB bacteria are anti-inflammatory but whether that translates directly to kefir is still unknown.

Are there any side effects?

As the process used to make kefir can vary between brands, it is hard to monitor its potency, so some products may be richer sources of probiotic bacteria than others. For those who are not used to probiotics or fermented foods, it is sensible to start with a small amount and increase slowly. Some people report digestive symptoms such as bloating, constipation or diarrhoea when introducing fermented foods to the diet. Anyone with a compromised immune system or a histamine intolerance should speak to a health professional before introducing or increasing their fermented food intake.

Kefir isn’t only for those that are suffering from diarrhea. It’s also effective in treating other conditions such as stomach ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

no-bloating from IBS

 It can also help prevent the “traveler’s stomach” that’s associated with unfamiliar food and water. Rather than relying on the antidiarrheal drug or stool softener in your travel repertoire, try kefir. It works!

Supports immunity: A

May improve mood: “There have been studies linking kefir to an increase in serotonin levels and decrease in the risk for anxiety and depression,” Margolis says. “That’s because 90% of serotonin, along with other neurotransmitters, is produced in our gut and sent back to the brain via the vagus nerve – communication known as the gut-brain axis.” She adds that kefir also contains tryptophan, an amino acid that serves as precursor to serotonin, helping to raise serotonin levels in the brain (via our circulatory pathway).

Some other ways that Margolis recommends using kefir include:

  • Use your favorite flavor of kefir as the base for any smoothie or smoothie bowl recipe.
  • Use kefir to makeover your breakfast by spicing up a bowl of cereal or granola, or mix it into pancake or waffle batter.
  • Power up your overnight oats or chia seed pudding by using kefir.
  • Choose plain kefir over mayo or sour cream to cut calories and fat, without sacrificing flavor in your favorite dips and dressings.
  • Add a tangy and flavorful zip to soups, hummus, snacks and spreads using your favorite flavor of kefir.
  • Use kefir as a base for your next protein marinade. Not only does kefir’s tangy flavor work well with herbs and spices to impart a fresh flavor, the lactic acid (in kefir) and the live and active probiotic cultures turn tough cuts into tender, juicy masterpieces.
  • Give your desserts a probiotic boost with your favorite flavor of kefir. It serves as a great base for puddings, popsicles, ice cream, frostings and more.

Water Kefir

Water kefir has traditionally been consumed for centuries and possibly longer. The most widely accepted origin story comes from Mexico where the water kefir grains “tibicos” were harvested from the prickly pear cactus and later used to create a pleasantly sweet and bubbly drink still popular today. Some common names for water kefir used around the world include Japanese Water Crystals, Graines Vivantes (French), Aqua Gems, Kefir di Frutta (Italian), Ginger Beer Plant, and Bebees. 

It Originated Where?


It is not completely clear where or when water kefir grains originated, but speculation points towards Mexico. According to some research, the tibicos culture forms on the pads of the Opuntia cactus as hard granules that can be reconstituted in a sugar-water solution as propagating tibicos. There is documentation from the late 1800s of water kefir grains being used in fermented drink made from the sweetened juice of the prickly pear cactus in Mexico.2

There are, however, stories that place their origin, or at least their use, in Tibet, the Caucasus Mountains, and the southern peninsula of the Ukraine. Pinpointing a place of origin is made even more difficult because water kefir cultures can be found throughout the world and no two cultures are exactly the same. Lack of recorded history also makes it difficult to place an origin date, but it seems likely these grains have been used for many centuries.

Probiotic supplements vary in quality, number of CFUs and strains of microorganisms. It is very difficult to know whether a probiotic supplement is actually performing because the culture is dormant. Water kefir, a living probiotic, is active when consumed increasing the chance of surviving the low acidic pH of the stomach. Water kefir also contains multiple varieties of beneficial bacteria and yeast while most probiotic supplements may only contain a limited variety. 

But a 2021Trusted Source systematic review of studies indicated that studies promoting probiotic benefits for diverticulitis are not sufficient to draw any meaningful conclusions. In other words, though probiotics may not hurt a person, they also may not provide any real benefit either. Currently, it is not clear which probiotic strains are most effective, or what dose and treatment time is most appropriate for people with diverticular disease.

People interested in probiotics can take them as a supplement, but they also occur naturally in some foods. These foods include natural yogurt and fermented foods such as:

  • sauerkraut
  • kefir
  • tempeh
  • miso
  • kimchi

People who have been taking antibiotics might consider adding these foods to their diet to help repopulate their gut with beneficial bacteria.

2019 reviewTrusted Source of the health benefits of fermented foods suggested that the potential probiotic effects can support a healthy digestive system and may help symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). But there is insufficient evidence to determine their impact.

Does Water kefir contain alcohol?

Fermented beverages are commonly known to contain alcohol, however water kefir is classified as a non-alcoholic beverage. We have formulated our water kefir to ensure only trace amounts of less than or equal to 0.1% ABV is present. The federal law states that all beverages classified as non-alcoholic should contain no more than .5% ABV. 

Water Kefir Troubleshooting Tips

  • Grains do not need to be rinsed between uses. If rinsing is desired, do so in filtered water.
  • Grains do not always reproduce every batch but may be used again and again.
  • If left longer than 72 hours, grains are at risk for starvation and may disappear.
  • The correct temperature range for fermenting water kefir is 68-78°F (20-26°C) with the ideal temperature being 75°F (24°C). Warmer temps result in faster fermentation whereas cooler temps will slow it down.
  • If you notice the kefir is ready before 24 hours, add more sugar solution to the next batch, shorten the fermentation cycle or reduce the amount of grains to 2 Tablespoons per quart.
  • If grains fail to reproduce, they may need additional nutrition – add one of the optional additions listed in the water kefir recipe above.
  • Grains can get slimy or change shape if too many minerals are used. If you notice this, use white sugar or remove any additions to prevent them from dissolving.


Killer sugar

From Yeemos: “Kefir grains are an amazing symbiotic matrix of bacteria and yeast that work together to feed off the natural sugars (and sometimes proteins and fats too, especially in the case of milk kefir) found present in the sugar-water and dried fruits. The yeast and bacteria co-operate, making the nutrients that are inaccessible to one digested into accessible nutrients for the other. Yeasts break down the simple sugars like glucose and fructose, turning them into ethanol and acetic acid. Lactic and acid-producing bacteria (such as lactobacilli) convert sugars (such as sucrose) and complex carbohydrates (starches, etc) into simpler sugars and lactic acid. Lactic and acetic acids naturally preserve as well as stave off harmful foreign bacteria. The result is a drink that has had much of the sugar converted to simpler sugars, lactic and acetic acids, carbon dioxide and ethanol. It also contains millions of probiotics and is more nutritious in some regards because of the more bio-available and digestible nutrients from the sugars and dried fruits including an increase in vitamin C and many B vitamins.”  From Yemoos


International Journal of Obesity

*1 International Journal Of Obesity

*2 Lutz, M. (1899). Recherches biologiques sur la constitution du Tibi.Bulletin De La Societe Mycologique De France,15, 68-72.M